
Remarks by António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, at the Nowruz Celebration

Remarks by António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, at the Nowruz Celebration
Nowruz reminds us of what we have in common and the richness of our diversity. I wish all of you a prosperous, happy, healthy and peaceful Nowruz. And may its spirit of friendship, harmony and respect for nature serve as an inspiration to us all.

It is indeed an enormous pleasure to be back in this wonderful celebration. I think we all recognize that nothing in our world is more important than the spirit of Nowruz. When we see all the conflicts around the world. When we see the plight of migrants and refugees. When we see the rise of xenophobia and racism in so many parts of the world. It is clear that we all need the spirit of Nowruz and the world needs the spirit of Nowruz in order to be able to allow for peace and for justice and for understanding, and for the capacity to have mutual respect and the capacity to bring together the population of this world around the most noble values. 
I thank the Ambassadors from many countries for bringing us together to celebrate Nowruz. I am delighted to say to all of you happy Nowruz!

For more than 300 million people, Nowruz is about new beginnings. The beginning of a new year.  The arrival of spring.  The renewal of nature. Nowruz unites communities beyond borders. It promotes peace and solidarity within families and between generations. It encourages reconciliation and good neighborliness. Its values echo those that we together promote at the United Nations every day and everywhere.
The beginning of a new year brings with it a sense of fresh possibility. It gives us a chance to renew our commitment to peace, sustainable development and human rights. It is an opportunity to renew our pledge to human dignity and our promise to leave no one behind. It is an occasion to strengthen our new resolve to our path towards building a prosperous future for all while living in harmony with nature. Nowruz reminds us of what we have in common and the richness of our diversity. I wish all of you a prosperous, happy, healthy and peaceful Nowruz. And may its spirit of friendship, harmony and respect for nature serve as an inspiration to us all.
Thank you.

May 9, 2018 12:12
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