
Hami-Canada’s Campaign for Construction of Mehr High School at the Village of Gazmanzel

Hami-Canada’s Campaign for Construction of Mehr High School at the Village of Gazmanzel
in the final days before the Iranian New Year, Hami Canada organized a fundraising attended by Hami supporters interested in an ongoing school construction project at the village of Gazmanzel in Sistan-Baluchestan province.

In the final days before the Iranian New Year, Hami Canada organized a fundraising attended by Hami supporters interested in an ongoing school construction project at the village of Gazmanzel in Sistan-Baluchestan province.

The meeting commenced with Ms. Sholeh Dowlatabadi’s speech welcoming the attendees and delivering a message from Hami Canada. A clip was subsequently played showing two already constructed and operating schools initiated by the organization in Sistan-Baluchestan villages of Send-e Morad and Kufizah as well as footage on the ongoing project at Gazmanzel, inviting participant donations.

The emotional mood of Iranian community members watching the interviews with local residents and children and listening to comments made by Ms. Mina Sarlati, made the evening truly memorable.

Informal conversations among the guests and members of Hami Canada board of directors followed which included expressions of sympathy for the underprivileged children.

The campaign met with support from the invitees in the form of designs for 40 Nowruz greeting-card packages by Ms. Sarah and the donation of a painting by Ms. Marandi.

Wishing for closer contact among all Iranians toward a better future for the country’s children, Hami Association is grateful to all its donors and supporters.

May 9, 2018 11:33
Number of visit : 3,830


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